ETH Zürich is one of the premier European research universities with an outstanding research record (including 21 Nobel laureates connected to it) and a current complement of 400 professors. Key strengths of the university are in life sciences, chemistry, engineering, and computer science. The Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of ETH Zurich in Basel was founded in 2009 to lead a unique interdisciplinary research initiative on the interface of life sciences and engineering with two strategic thrusts, Synthetic Biology and Systems Biology. Its core conceptual thrust is to explore and engineer molecular networks in biology and biotechnology on a systems level concomitantly with the required overarching conceptual and technological developments.

Prof. Panke is a leading scientist who has stood at forefront of the implementation of Synthetic Biology in Europe and has published landmark papers in the field of synthetic biology, systems biology, and process engineering. His multidisciplinary background uniquely enables him to provide scientific guidance to the diverse P4SB consortium.