October 2016

Plastic Waste and Dancing?

"What do plastic waste and dancing have in common?"
P4SB is exited to announce that we are part of the "Auf dem Sprung Festival".
This Friday Prof. Lars Blank will give a lecture about the project while the perfroming group "TRASHedy" gives a a workshop and also performs.

P4SB is in the EU Research & Innovation magazine!

"Plastic-eating bacteria offer recipe against recycling slowdown"

This is the title for October 2016 edtion of the EU Research & Innovation magazine and P4SB is part of it! The magazine cites Nick Wierckx, who is one of our leading scientists working for P4SB:

‘If you look into the far future you could think about people getting paid for their plastic waste.’

Follow this link for the full article: http://horizon-magazine.eu/plasticeatingbacteria


Deliverable 8.4 has been delivered

Deliverable 8.4 or also known as "Interim report on scientific dissemination and exploitation of results incl. risk assesment, ethical, societal, and intellectual property aspects" is finally published.

Click on the article and find the whole document in the appendix!